
Superman? No… Supercat!

Do you know that cats have a wider field of view compared with humans’ one? They are more sensitive to low light and sense motion in the dark much better!

Do you know that cats have a wider field of view? It is almost 200 degrees! Compared with humans’ 180-degree view… Cats also have a more excellent peripheral vision.

In addition, cats are crepuscular, meaning they are active at dawn and dusk. Their eyes have six to eight times more rod cells, which are more sensitive to low light than humans do. These extra rod cells also allow cats to sense motion in the dark much better.

Finally, cats’ elliptical eye shape and larger corneas and tapetum, a layer of tissue that may reflect light to the retina, help gather more light!

Curious to learn how cats see the world? Animal Nutrtionals presents an exciting article on a feline vision 🐱 to your attention!

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