
Although in some cases diarrhoea is unavoidable, there are some things which can reduce the risk!

Gastrointestinal diseases account for 10% of veterinary visits. Prevention!

Can you imagine that gastrointestinal diseases account for about 10% of veterinary visits? Animal Nutritionals has investigated why. “Diarrhea is one of the most frequent clinical signs,” reveals Dr. Jan Suchodolski, associate professor and associate director for microbiome sciences of the Gastrointestinal Laboratory at Texas A&M University, in College Station, Texas.

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Do you know that cats have a wider field of view compared with humans’ one? They are more sensitive to low light and sense motion in the dark much better!

Superman? No… Supercat!

Do you know that cats have a wider field of view? It is almost 200 degrees! Compared with humans' 180-degree view... Cats also have a more excellent peripheral vision. In addition, cats are crepuscular, meaning they are active at dawn and dusk. Their eyes have six to eight times more

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Does your dog start scooting their bottom brazenly across the floor in front of everyone? Animal Nutritionals recommends adding pumpkin to your dog’s food!

Why Is My Dog Scooting?

You’re sitting around your living room with a few guests when suddenly, your dog starts scooting their bottom brazenly across the floor in front of everyone! Before you chuckle, it’s helpful to find out just why your doggy has the scoots. Food allergies may be to blame for some dogs’ anal sac

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Comparing with human digestion, the gastrointestinal transit time is six to eight hours for pets, while in people it’s between 20 and 30 hours.

How long is an animal’s intestine?

Actually, it depends on body length. The animal with the longest intestine is a dolphin! That comes to more than 150m of the intestine. 🐬 The pet's intestine is much smaller. The average length in the dog 🐶 is 0.6 meters, and in the cat is 0.4 meters, i.e. 40 centimetres. 🐱

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Interaction with humans can reduce the pet’s stress. There is evidence petting an animal may reduce your heart rates, but also those of your four-legged friend!

Can humans create health in pets?

Interaction with humans can reduce the pet's stress. There is evidence petting an animal may reduce your heart rates💖, but also those of your four-legged friend! 👍 Can you imagine that co-sleeping with pets may improve your mutual quality of sleep? Can humans create health in pets? Yes! Just meet Rubble the oldest

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The difference probably has to do with our historical diets. The wolf-like ancestors of dogs ate mostly meat that could be easily ripped and swallowed!

Did you know that dogs can’t chew side to side?

You’ve probably noticed that your dog can’t chew side to side. Animal Nutritionals has investigated why... “The dog’s jaw only allows for up and down motion when chewing,” Dr Jochman explains. “People have a side-to-side movement that allows more grinding of food.” The difference probably has to do with our

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The nutritional pet supplement containing the only ingredient has today no chance to beat the premium hi-tech competitor!

The ideal product for a healthy pet?

In our days, the veterinary solutions proposed on the market are complex and advanced: the years of scientific research, sophisticated laboratory trials, artificial intelligence modelling of the optimal combination. The nutritional supplement containing the only ingredient has today no chance to beat the premium hi-tech competitor! 🤷‍♀️ The Animal Nutritionals

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“Longevity in the Animal Kingdom” gives you the right answers! The fantastic book of the Nobel Prize winner Prof. Metchnikoff transcends the time

The duration of the life of animals depends on their size?

The International Longevity Center has recently published the legendary scientific work «The Prolongation of Life. Optimistic Studies» by famous Russian physician Prof. Metchnikoff, E (original version: London, 1907). This Nobel Prize winner was a founder of the science named Gerontology. Observing age-related changes in his own body, he has concluded

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The cats sulk for different reasons! 🤷‍♀️ Being upset 😫 or not giving them healthy nutritional supplements! 👍 How to deal with?

My cat is sulking! Why? And how to deal with?

Animal Nutritionals has investigated this issue. Is your pet sitting all-time upset with a head down? Does your lovely 4-legged friend turn the back towards you? Is your cat not responding? Your pet won't come near… So, you are upset as well, of course! Actually, they need your attention.

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Does a new generation of immune nutritional supplements for pets come soon? The results of the British scientists are very promising!

Specific immune signature identified in COVID-19 patients

The Animal Nutritionals follows closely the latest trends in scientific research related to immune resistance. Does a new generation of nutritional supplements for animals come soon? The results of the British scientists are auspicious! The most wanted topic of our days is COVID-19 and its effects on humans and animals.

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